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Tarrytown, NY Pest Control

Trusted Pest Control Solutions In Tarrytown, NY

An historic Hudson River town, Tarrytown, New York isn't just a nice place to visit; it's also a great place to live and work. The home of Washington Irving, our town offers many opportunities to learn about its history and numerous areas to enjoy the outdoors in our public parks. 

Making our town a beautiful place that people like to visit takes a lot of work, but well worth the investment in time and money. We take pride in keeping our properties in good shape, and part of that upkeep involves making sure that pests don't get inside our homes or businesses. Pests are destructive, spread diseases, and are bad for business, so avoiding them is the best way to avoid these problems. Pest control in Tarrytown is a necessity, and it's best delivered by Caliber Pest Service. Our efficient service quickly eliminates pest problems so that you don't have to worry about a pest invasion in your home or business.

Residential Pest Control In Tarrytown

If we had to guess, we would say that your Tarrytown home has locks on its windows and doors. It might have a security camera on the front porch. Maybe you installed motion-activated lights for your driveway. You do many things to ensure your home and family are safe from intruders. Have you taken any steps to protect your home and family from tiny intruders?

Pests are tiny intruders that cameras and locks don't stop. Once inside your house, they can cause damage and spread germs. If not taken care of promptly, pests might even be more destructive than an actual home invasion because some pests cause serious structural damage to Tarrytown houses. 

If your home has no protection from pests, it's time to change that. Home pest control services from Caliber Pest Service will protect your home from all of the pests common to the Tarrytown area. We tailor our treatments to each home's unique pest control needs so that you receive the effective and efficient service you need to make and keep your home pest-free.

Commercial Pest Control In Tarrytown

Protecting your business from pests is something that every business owner should do right from the start. However, even if your company is well-established, it's not too late to take the necessary steps to make your commercial property pest-free. The benefits of protecting your business from pests are many. They include preventing damage and illness, saving money, and safeguarding your reputation.

Pest control services for commercial are best performed by experienced pest professionals who understand the needs of your business and can customize their treatments to meet those needs. Caliber Pest Service creates commercial pest control plans tailored to your business's needs and built around the type of structure you have and the industry you work in. Don't leave your commercial pest control to just anyone. Let the experts at Caliber Pest Service deliver the results you need.

Just How Dangerous Are Cockroaches In Tarrytown?

You should be seriously concerned about a cockroach infestation in your Tarrytown home or business. Cockroaches aren't just gross pests that people don't like to look at; they are dangerous to have inside your structure. 

The main danger with cockroaches is they can spread an alarming number of diseases. Cockroaches spend time in a lot of filthy areas and pick up bacteria and other pathogens while in these places. They then spread those pathogens around when they travel from place to place. If these places are in your house, those germs will end up all over your countertops, food prep areas, and other spots.

If you want to know how to keep cockroaches away, your best choice is to stop them from getting inside in the first place. You can do this by keeping your kitchen clean, not leaving food out, taking out the trash regularly, and washing your dishes right after a meal. If you find cockroaches in your house, contact Caliber Pest Service right away. A cockroach problem won't go away on its own, and it takes professional pest control treatments to fully eliminate a cockroach infestation. Caliber Pest Service has the experience and training necessary to eliminate your cockroach problem safely.

What To Do If Bed Bugs Have Gotten Into Your Tarrytown Home

Bed bugs are a perfect example of a pest that people think would be easy to keep out of their homes. However, keeping these tiny parasites out is harder than you might assume, and they can even strike clean homes. Plus, bed bugs can spread to far more areas in your home than just your mattress.

A bed bug infestation can be introduced into your home in a number of different ways. Often, they are carried back inside without us even realizing it when they cling to our hair, skin, clothing, or belongings to hitch a ride from one location to the next. This is how people pick up bed bugs while traveling, staying in hotels, or even visiting the laundromat, not realizing that they've unwittingly brought these nasty bugs back home with them.

From there, the itchy bite marks they cause can become a persistent and annoying problem. Bed bugs also breed quickly, leading to more feeding parasites and bed bug eggs hidden in your house. If you notice any signs of bed bugs in your home, act quickly by reaching out to Caliber Pest Service for bed bug control in Tarrytown right away.

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